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NIVUS RAIN for residents, commercial enterprises and industry.

From 2025, NIVUS RAIN will also be available to residents, commercial enterprises and industry - for early heavy rain information and reliable alarms! With our unique service, you receive timely and street precise warnings for the POIs (Points of Interests) of your choice. It allwos you to take personalised countermeasures and significantly improve your safety. The danger zones (POIs) can be viewed visually on the map-based online portal. Citizens are informed after registering in a citizen portal. In the near future, hazard reports can be sent via defined channels such as phone calls or text messages. Additional digital interfaces will also be available for businesses and industrial companies.

This is what NIVUS RAIN can do for you:

Up to 60 minutes more warning time with AI

Get forecasts of heavy rainfall events up to 60 minutes before they start by using AI-supported and self-learning systems.

Early heavy rain alert by SMS

Receive reliable pre-warnings about impending heavy rain events so that you can prepare for potential hazards in good time. Once you have registered, you will receive hazard alerts via push notification on your smartphone.

Improved safety awareness thanks to street-level visualisation

Thanks to the early warnings from NIVUS RAIN, you can monitor and assess the situation on the online portal at any time - to the nearest street! This increases your sense of security and allows you to react to potential dangers with peace of mind.

Earlier beginning of individual countermeasures

Use the pre warning time to take preventive measures, such as clearing areas or basements and sealing doors, to minimise damage.

Reliable alarms

You can count on the reliability of NIVUS RAIN. The AI-supported and self-learning system makes forecasts increasingly precise.

‘NIVUS RAIN will be available for residents, businesses and industry from 2025. It is more than just a system for heavy rain alerts - it is a unique and pioneering product that is a world first. With NIVUS RAIN, you receive reliable warnings of heavy rain events up to 60 minutes earlier than conventional systems. This finally makes it possible to take protective measures in good time. I can recommend every person in areas at risk to actively ask their local authority about NIVUS RAIN. Because this system really does protect people and assets.’

  • Mockup - Smartphone - NIVUS RAIN

Contact us now for more information and let's work together for the protection and safety of your community!