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Who is operating NIVUS RAIN?

The system comprises a measuring network of heavy rain sensors to generate early warnings, as well as water level sensors for monitoring and special cloud systems for real-time processing and provision of data for users. One major advantage is the cross-community use of the measurement data, which maximizes the benefits for all involved and reduces costs at the same time. This is because NIVUS RAIN is so simple and intuitive to use that no experts need to be trained.
The technology for heavy rain detection and forecasting was developed and patented by our technology partner Okeanos Smart Data Solutions GmbH as part of a national funded research project (BMVi). NIVUS RAIN uses this technology exclusively. This is the result of close and partner-ship cooperation between NIVUS and Okeanos.

We are NIVUS. We are proven specialists and have over 50 years of experience in measurement technology with water.

Our home is the beautiful town of Eppingen in Baden-Württemberg. Many people affectionately refer to the location as the region's little "Silicon Valley". We may not have invented this term, but it describes our extraordinary innovative strength - for more than 50 years. We stand for specialised measurement technology and software solutions at the highest level. With a wealth of experience in the water industry, we develop measurement technologies suitable for many water applications worldwide. Sounds exciting? Find out more about us on our website www.nivus.com
  • Hauptgebäude - Nivus GmbH
Sprinter - Nivus GmbH
Moodbild - Natur

Contact us now for more information and let's work together for the protection and safety of your community!